AirAsia Fernandez's Comments Stir Thai Tiger Feud
The battle for supremacy of Thailand's skies has taken a nasty turn back of comments by AirAsia Chief Executive Tony Fernandez which have been termed 'racist' in the media.
According to an interview with Mr. Fernandez in the Bangkok Post, the first volley started with "We're Asians, not a bunch of white guys running the airline."
To read the interview <link>*CLICK</link>
This was in reference to the new low cost venture between Thai Airways International and Tiger Airways or more pointed at the Singapore based airline. The joint venture is set to launch next year and Phuket figures prominently in its planning.
Both Tony David CEO of Tiger and Mr. Fernandez through his blog and in the press have continued to exchange barbs.
For now the fight have moved into social media circles over which airline is better, though expect fireworks not seen in inter-airline rivalry since the famed Richard Branson Virgin – British Airways debacle a number of years ago.