Banyan Tree Aiming At Casino Market
The Banyan Tree affiliated Laguna Lang Co destination resort in Hue Vietnam has made public plans to add a casino to the project.
A second phase plan is targeting a gaming complex and expansion of hotel product.
It's expected an external casino operator would be engaged for the complex.
One key growth market for Laguna Lang Co is Mainland China who remain avid gamblers.
Permission for the casino is subject to government approval, where the Vietnamese public sector is continuing to debate allowing legal gaming for citizens.
Currently only foreigners are allowed play, which has capped response to what was envisaged to be Vietnam's substantial casino play with the former MGM in Ho Tram often cited as a failed attempt to gain widespread penetration to Asia's surging population base.
In Thailand the private sector is exerting pressure on the government to allow gaming, with Pattaya most often cited as the potential entry point.