Ex-Banyan Tree GM Hits Big Waves
After nearly 10 years with the Banyan Tree chain, Francois Huet made a bold move to strike out on his own with a consulting firm Big Waves of Inspiration.
According to Francois in his own words –
" I offer a different approach to the traditional aspect of training in order to put priority on the 'human' development of our industry.
The basic objective is to stimulate employees, whatever their position in the organization, to become involved in their job by developing creative and innovative thinking for their team, their products as well as themselves.
The future is in this generation together with the next generation. We are responsible to ensure that we give them enough tools to succeed and innovate in a field that must evolve, especially given the current economic environment.
I would like to use my 30 years of experience in the international hotel industry, where I began as an apprentice waiter and worked my way up to become Vice President Hotels for the group Banyan Tree Hotels & Resorts to help the next generation to create new and original experiences for our actual clients and those of the future.
For this I have created a training program "Managing Perception" based on 3 important points:
1. Reflect on value of perception, how you can manage it and incorporate into your business environment.
2. Adapt and improve management style and leadership with a focus on inspiration and aspiration.
3. Understand how to position your product with creation of emotional experiences resulting in additional financial gain.
This program caters to Department Heads, Senior Management, Executive Committee members as well as Talent Management/Fast Track Programs.
The second aim of my company, which is very dear to my heart, is to encourage the protection and preservation of our natural environment in the world of tourism and to put to use my experience with Banyan Tree who is one of the leaders in Corporate Social Responsibility. Together we created and developed a series of actions to enable the exchange of information with various players in the industry: employees and clients as well as the local community.
Based on this enriching experience and knowing certain limitations of the corporate world, I am joining forces with EarthCheck who is the ideal partner in its domain of environmental management, with an accreditation membership in over 70 countries. This provides a platform to define:
Financial and Marketing Objectives
ExperienceEarthCheck programs improve not only the operating management of a company but most importantly reduce costs. They have an approach that is scientific and systematic and deals with risk management. I represent EarthCheck in two different capacities: Sales as well as being an Accredited Trainer for their programs."
Want to know more about Big Waves <link>http://www.big-waves.net*CLICK</link>