LAEM SINGH Whose Beach Is It Anyway?
In a timely or untimely move, a growing dispute between beach vendors and the owners of the land who control access to one of Phuket's leading beach attractions is increasingly a high profile event.
The landowners are in the process constructing fences on the property boundary lines. Last week over 100 beach vendors partitioned the Provincial Government to check on the land title of the property.
Yesterday, perhaps in anticipation of the visit by Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra banners have been erected by the protestors.
Trial by public perception or reaction seems to be the order of the day. Though a visit to Laem Singh will show that the beach is so cluttered with sun loungers and is a staging ground for commerce rather than a simple day at the beach.
Is this just another move in the Occupy Phuket movement or will the vendors who have cleverly jumped on the bandwagon over the latest round of land investigations rule the roost?