The Search For FOO?
This one had us scratching our heads, exactly what is 'foo' and where do we find it.
First stop was the idea that perhaps the writer got a call as he was typing and the word food and somehow lopped off the letter 'd'. No such luck.
Whirling around the thought process of course for the world of MTV we have the Foo Fighters but now that's all too easy.
Looking at slanglish, there remains the phase 'foo foo' which is a bit of a knick -knack and no apparent value.
We go backward to of course the Foo Fighters and learned this was coined during WW2, the last great war and pilots used the singular 'foo fighter' term to describe unexplained sighting or even UFO's.
Rounding this up is the last stray in a cattle drive, in this case it does amazingly relate to the subject of this site, it's a newish christened property term that stands for "feeling of opulence."
Nai Thon's Istana luxury villa project is using it as its marketing tag and frankly it's a great lead in. So that's the word on FOO.