Our newsline has always been a fairly simple read – hotels, tourism and property. While it often runs the gamut from news, to opinion the ultimate aim has been fairly basic – to provide insight into the ever changing industry news.
While at times we've strayed into topical issues at the heart of the matter is Phuket, and more broadly Thailand. Recently some of the comments we have received had taken an increasingly negative view of the market or country. The view seems to be a myopic view that doom is inevitable and that the best thing is to accept the coming bleakness of the future with no hope or even optimism that things could improve.
Others have taken the view to perhaps raise personal issues personalities or businesses we cover and seize an opportunity to grind an axe. Perhaps this is a valid case or not but at the end of the day if you have a business dispute and want to resolve it, go see the other party involved and work it out. Failing that find a lawyer and settle it in the merits of your argument.
We have no intention to publish either type of comments and it only wastes your time and ours taking the time to hit the delete button. Personally I have to believe that in time the challenges facing Thailand will be overcome and while current circumstances are indeed compelling that there is light at the end of the tunnel. If there was no hope I cannot see how we can all even get up each day.
Tourism, property and hotels in Phuket remain a vitally important part of the economy and play a key role in the vested future of the island. This is not the end and no amount of pessimism on the part of a few troubled readers would make me believe otherwise.
I flew down from Bangkok today on a Thai Airways 747 which was nearly full and more than 50% of the passegners had yellow transit stickers on. There is little doubt the events in the news are impacting tourism substantially but at the same time where remain green shoots of hope that life still goes on here in Phuket. Hotels, property and tourism while facing challenge are indeed alive.
For now and in the future we remain – keeping the faith. Thanks for your continued readership.