Thailand Elections Push Tourism Into DIY Mode
Reading Dusit's CEO Chanin Donavanik comments in the press yesterday about the disconnect between Thailand's tourism policy and government were spot on.
Comments on how the country's demand drivers and key destinations have remains static for 20 years as nearby neighbors like Singapore, Hong Kong and even Vietnam have propelled supporting infrastructure, echo the sentiments of a growing number of industry players.
Can Thailand's surge and focus on a growth and numbers based metric keep tourism sustainable and competitive? It's highly doubtful.
New worries over the upcoming elections and a negative image for Brand Thailand are pushing the onus back to the private sector. What will result are more hotel rooms with mega transportation and infrastructure to support the numbers lagging the field.
Tourism without a doubt needs a far greater voice in dictating the government's long term planning process, but for now, it appears to have been pushed back to the sidelines.